Legal Notices - Hotel Heod


The website accessible at the URL (the “Site”) is published by MLG CONCEPT, a limited liability company with a capital of 8,000 euros, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 788 924 298, whose registered office is located at 3 allée Paul Vatine, 22680 BINIC-ÉTABLES-SUR-MER.

Phone: +33 (0) 2 96 70 82 82


EU VAT number: FR66788924298

Publication Director: Sophie LE GOFF

The Site is developed and maintained by LOTUS DISTRIBUTION – DB HOTEL CONSEIL, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of 1,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 20 rue Maxime Rivière, SAINTE CLOTHILDE – LA RÉUNION, registered with the Saint-Denis de la Réunion Trade and Companies Register under number 907 967 418.

Contact DB Hotel Conseil:


The site is hosted by OVH, a simplified joint-stock company with a single shareholder (SASU) with a share capital of 50,000,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellerman, 59100 ROUBAIX, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419.


Any complaint regarding the Site or services provided by HÔTEL HEOD must be reported by the user and, if applicable, by a Client under the conditions provided by the General Terms of Sale, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to:

  • Postal address: HÔTEL HEOD, 3 allée Paul Vatine, 22680 BINIC-ÉTABLES-SUR-MER.
  • Email address:

HÔTEL HEOD will make every effort to handle the request and reach a resolution of the dispute in accordance with the interests of the parties.


These general terms of use (“General Terms of Use”) govern access to and use of the Site.

If you disagree with these General Terms of Use, we invite you to leave the Site immediately. By continuing to use it, you acknowledge that you have been informed of the existence of these General Terms of Use, accept them, and agree to comply with them.

These General Terms of Use may be modified by HÔTEL HEOD at any time and without notice, particularly due to regulatory changes. The new General Terms of Use will apply from the date they are posted on the Site. By using the Site after these changes have been made, you accept the new General Terms of Use and agree to comply with them.


The information published on the Site, including its appearance and characteristics, is non-contractual. This information does not constitute in any way a statement, warranty, or commitment on the part of HÔTEL HEOD regarding any product or service:

HÔTEL HEOD disclaims any responsibility, express or implied, as to their completeness, accuracy, or fitness for any particular purpose.

HÔTEL HEOD has made every effort to ensure that the information accessible through the Site is accurate. However, we do not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.

HÔTEL HEOD does not provide any warranty, express or implied, regarding any part of the Site. In no event shall HÔTEL HEOD be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, of any nature, resulting from the use of the Site.

The establishment of hypertext links to other sites or resources available on the Internet does not engage the responsibility of HÔTEL HEOD or its host, concerning the content offered by the designated sites.

HÔTEL HEOD disclaims any responsibility regarding the content of sites linked to the Site.


HÔTEL HEOD reserves the right to modify or correct, at any time and without notice, the content of the Site, whatever its nature.


The information collected from users through a contact form complies with the Data Protection Act. We inform you that your responses are optional, and failure to respond has no particular consequences. In some cases, however, your indications must be sufficient for us to respond to you and/or process your requests. For further information, we invite you to read the Privacy Policy.

The general terms of sale of HÔTEL HEOD are accessible on the Site and communicated to the client when making a reservation. If applicable, the specific terms of sale and cancellation related to an online reservation or a reservation request are specified in the forms provided for this purpose.


The Site and its content are the exclusive property of HÔTEL HEOD or are used by it with the authorization of their owner/holder. They are protected by intellectual property rights, notably under trademark law and literary and artistic property law. The content of the Site includes all the elements that compose it, including, but not limited to, all photographs, images, illustrations, texts, graphics, multimedia (audio and video), trademarks, logos, and software used for the design and operation of the Site.

The use and reproduction of any elements published on the Site are only authorized for informational purposes for personal and private use, excluding any commercial use, reproduction, or use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited.

Thus, the content of the Site cannot be, in whole or in part, sold, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly displayed, shown, or integrated into a derivative work for public or commercial purposes or displayed on another website and, generally, on any medium whatsoever. Any infringement of these General Terms of Use and/or HÔTEL HEOD’s intellectual property rights constitutes an act of infringement that may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer and may give rise to prosecution by HÔTEL HEOD.

Mise à jour le 30/07/2024